Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Jolt of Energy

I'll be honest. My life was been very blah lately. I've had nothing much to report. That is until I went to Safeway today. I perked right up after seeing that Uncle Ben's Rice was on sale!

Yes, you heard me. Uncle Ben's Rice. But this isn't just any ordinary Uncle Ben's. This is the rice that comes in the personal serving sizes you microwave for 90 seconds. Usually they are $2.29 each, but today they were 4 for $5.

That's right, 4 for $5.

I was going to take all they had, but my neighborhood is kind of poor so I just didn't feel right about hording them away from the community's impoverished children. They deserve to benefit from this deal too.

Then I realized that the poor probably don't even own microwaves to make the packages in, so I took half.

What a great day!

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