Sunday, December 16, 2007

Crazy Cab Ride

When I take a cab I really enjoy talking to the cab drivers from other countries. Most are polite and have very interesting histories. So last night as I left the club at 3 in the morning, I took a cab home. But this cab driver was a black American, so I couldn't use my usual first question of "what country are you from?".

As I rode along, I noticed that the cab driver had two books on his dashboard: "Idiots Guide to the Internet" and "The Truth of Roswell". Noticing the book on Roswell, I decided I could use it to strike up a conversation.

We talked a lot about the cover-up, if aliens are here now watching over us, what the government knows, and all that other alien conspiracy-type talk. As the ride entered its last leg, we noticed a guy on the road waiting for a cab. Since we were close to my house, I said it would be fine for us to pick him up.

The conversation continued and our new passenger, who was also a black American, joined in. As the cab pulled up to my house, the driver made one final point claiming the validity of the Roswell book. The forward was written by Senator Strom Thurmond.

This is where everything started to turn wacky, and so for it, I am going to write as if it is a script.

Me: So why does having a forward written by Strom Thurmond make it good?

Cab Driver: Because Strom Thurmond was a great man.

Me: Umm, didn't he run for President in the 1950's in order to keep segregation alive in the south?

Cab Driver: Well, what does that have to do with anything?

Me: Well, he kind of did that because he was racist against black people.

Passenger: Yeah, but didn't he have a black daughter?

Me: Yes, an illegitimate daughter he kept in hiding.

Passenger: Thomas Jefferson had black children too. He was a good man.

Me: He may have had black children, but he still kept them as slaves.

Cab driver: Well, Strom Thurmond still was a good man because of his efforts against aliens.

And scene.

Different, huh? How did this happen? How did I get into a conversation with two black men who were defending Strom Thurmond?

Oh well, whatever.


Anonymous said...

This is quite an incredible story! I'm not sure how you feel about your biggest blog competitor DCist, but that would be a good candidate for their "overheard" section. Although, does it qualify if you're part of the conversation?

Randy Giles said...

Yes, I don't think it qualifies for the "overheard" section.