Every role I see you in makes me sick. Your Indian stereotype didn't make me laugh in Van Wilder or Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj, you were horrible in Epic Movie, Superman Returns sucked, I hate that your character messed with Cordy on Angel, and the "Beer Bad" episode you had a guest spot in on Buffy was the worst episode ever and I blame you.
Now I have to look at you every week on House. Ugh! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!! No, not you personally, just every thing you've done careerwise.
Kal Penn deteriorates my House enjoyment.
I mother fucking hate this Mahradja nigga. His accent is weird, and so are his face expressions.
White Power !!!
yeah yeah ...'white power'..shut up and get lost idiot...as if you have a great accent! Do you even know what acting is??.. if his acting is weird then tell that..and fucking stop using 'terrorist' and such fag words..believe it or not..we'll catch the next flight, find you and kick your white butt ..not kidding...And asshole with what right are you saying an Indian a 'terrorist' ??...
Shut up dickhead obviously ur a towel head which is why u are taking offense. Kal penn is a worthless actor he reminds me of another loser that shithead omar benson miller from csi miami. How these morons get acting jobs is beyond me. Kal penn tries to be funny but is not. He constantly gets typecast as a funny towelhead and still sucks balls. Anytime he has been in another type of role ex. Superman he is even worse that because he hardly spoke in that movie. He should retire from acting and get a cart and start selling falafels on the street it would be time well spent.
I'm glad to see the Kal Penn conversation has somehow continued since 2009. Uh, also since it is 2013 and Obama is on his 2nd term, keep the racist shit for your family's Sunday Dinners.
On the Kal Penn front, I found out recently he did have a bit part in Angel, so he gets some cred there. But that horrible stereotype of an Indian he played in Van Wilder. EeeGaks that still inflames me. Ugh!
I fucking hate this mfing dog worthless piece of shithead.he makes faces like he is always sucking hard cock. Fucking son of a bitch
Piece of shit FAGGOT ! Makes a lot sense sucking dick with NBH . IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE NOW, HE WAS IN LOVE WITH NEIL PATRICK HARRIS , FAGGOTS burn in hell You have a lot to answer for when you see God.
Lol Indians don’t eat falafel you loser! Typical stupid trailer trash, I take it? Guess what lol you pop tart eating loser, Middle Eastern people are Caucasian, and typically “white “. Indians are Asian. It seems you have no education, and your the loser us Germans make fun of!! “White “ is a non existent color pop tart!! Hispanic People can be “white “ looking imbecile! You don’t even know Indians have sh** to do with middle eastern people. Dummy go take some night classes and quit making a fool of yourself!
I personally take offense you fall into the category of “human”. Your what hitler said you lack culture, heritage, and history. You have no actual heritage! Yet, you want to talk about “culture “?? You don’t even know the difference between Asians and Middle Eastern people loser lol 😂!! Indians eat curry, not falafel dummy! Speaking of which? What is up with your captioned words especially falafel?? I also don’t take offense with nothing since you make a joke of yourself all over the world! I’m German!! I can speak 5 different languages, and am educated. You Americans don’t go to college to get an education. You go to college to be Democrats. Lol your country is last in everything, and your eating each other up!! Your military is no longer tough. It’s full of she-males, queers! You seem to be regressing some angry issues. One of them proving your an undercover queer. Come out of the closet already!! Angry this fruit Kal is gay? It’s because you secretly are in love with this bindu!!!
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