Thursday, November 29, 2007

Amy Sedaris, like poor southerners, Hi-lar-ious

Amy Sedaris came to DC tonight and performed for an hour. It was great; she did her faces, a craft, answered questions on her life and on Strangers with Candy. I couldn't be more happy. Katie, the woman who runs the site was also in attendance. I've been on her email list for some time, so it was neat to see what she looked like.

At the end Amy signed books, but since I already own the book and the line was quite long I did not get to meet her. So my sister and I did what was second best. Squatted down, posed, and took a picture with Amy Sedaris in the background. Can you say classy? Here's the photo:

Ok, why the blacked out eyes? I don't feel comfortable posting my image on here.

"But, Vlad, nobody comes on this site except your mother and a few friends, what's the big deal?"

The big deal is that someday I will be a big time blogger and am just not ready for people to stop me on the street wanting my autograph or telling me how hot I am. This kind of stuff happens everyday to famous bloggers.

"But, Vlad, you put up other celebrity photos and rip on people's tragic deaths spewed across the news, aren't you being a bit hypocritical?"

Yes, yes I am.


Oh, and I said I was going to try to limit my complaining, but I have to say something about the 6th and I synagogue where the event was held. C'est horrible.

The sound system was on the fritz and the view for many of the people in the balcony was impossible. People actually had to stand because you could not see the performance. I was very disappointed in the venue. Also the four squawking birds with bad perms sitting behind us did not help.

One more thing: Amy Cohen (tonight's moderator), after hearing your jokes, I now understand why Caroline In the City was such a rotten show and quickly canceled.


Aaron said...

That's right! You have to tease and set the appropriate mood of mystery now before the fame takes over.

Randy Giles said...

Thank you, Aaron. You totally get me.