Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year To Me
By the end of 2008 I will have a new job, more money, better hair, savings, six pack abs, new cell phone, a dog named Pete, no credit card debt, more friends, better friends, cooler friends, hotter friends, less vanity, more me-time, and that's it.
Oh tell me what you think of this insult:
Is that sass
Coming from your ass
You call a mouth?
I just thought of it today. I might use it on someone.
Ok, Happy New Year to all of you.
BTW: This is my 100th Post!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas To All
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Worst Movie Pitch Contest
I just entered the contest and so can you at this link.
Here is my submission:
The Pitch: Holocaust Survivor Moves to 1950's New York; Wackiness & Romance Ensue
The Premise: Down and Out Holocaust Survivor, Emanuel Goldstein, emigrates to Post-WWII New York after losing his family. All alone, Emanuel meets squirrels with the ability to talk in Central Park, Chuck, Stevie, and Barry. With the help of his new friends, Emanuel learns the ways of America, moving on after loss, and finding new love. Will their advice work when it comes to romancing Lydia, Emanuel's co-worker at the Italian Deli?
It's "Sophie's Choice" Meets "Alvin & the Chipmunks"
The Cast: Emanuel: Adrien Brody
Voice of Chuck: Hank Azaria
Voice of Stevie: Ben Affleck
Voice of Barry: Jon Voight
Lydia: Jessica Alba
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
My Third Death Has Come
Believing that, I became worried last night when at work my boss's grandmother had died. There's one...who will be next?
Later that night when I got home my roommate got a phone call saying her great uncle died. There's two...who will be next?
At that point I was kind of freaking out. Two deaths to people I didn't really know. Would the third death be someone close to me?
Nope, I just got news Dennis Kucinich's brother died, Perry.
I'm sorry for his family's loss, but am very much relieved. Thanks for filling the third spot, Perry. R.I.P.
Coke Commercial Being Taped on Connecticut & L, NW Now

I asked one of the crew members what was going on and she said it was for a Coke commercial.
So I strolled around a bit to see if I could see anyone famous and who did I see...
Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist!
If he's acting or now a consultant for Coke, I don't know which.
Either way, Pepsi anyone?
Monday, December 17, 2007
"One Magic Christmas": A Christmas Heartbreaker

If there is one Christmas movie that breaks my heart more than any other it would have to be "One Magic Christmas". The beginning with the Grangers being evicted from their apartment and crabby Ginnie not getting a moments peace, even in the shower, leaves me emotionally drained.
And then when I think this movie can't get any sadder the bank robber shoots Ginnie's husband, hijacks kids in the car and proceeds to drive off the road, killing them all. The following scene with Ginnie (Mary Steenburgen) running after the car always has me in a complete sobs.
After that the movie takes a strange turn where Gideon the angel brings the kids back to life followed by Santa doing the same to the dad, Jack.
What I find so amazing about the film is how it represents impoverished America, from a mother on food stamps to abusive managers at low-skilled jobs. And although Ginnie is depressed, her husband Jack and kids look on the bright side of life. Of course in Ginnie's defense, she's the one working at the grocery store while unemployed Jack builds bikes all day.
Anyway, I think the film does a great job at showing the struggles many in this country go through financially this time of year. A side we rarely see in today's TV and movie.
DC's Best Commercial
Stadium Traffic Scares My Neighbors
I say in the words of our fearless leader, "Bring em' on!"
I see nothing but blue skies and blooming roses in this situation. Here's my list why:
1. The thousands of visitors will mean boom times for our nonexistent restaurants and shops.
2. And with all these people floating around we'll have a whole new class of people to despise.
4. More cars mean more smog. It is about time our air matched the color of the nearby Anacostia River. Royal Brown.
5. We'll get to watch the progression of our neighborhood turn from crackhouses to trendy condos and back to crackhouses, all within a few years.
6. Higher chance of SW pedestrians being hit by cars. Money in the bank for the injured.
7. Last but not least why this is good news: I don't drive and I don't use the Navy Yard Metro. I could give a fuck!
Good Times.
Huckabee's Son Hangs Dogs?

A few questions:
1. Aren't the candidates' brothers suppose to be the fuck-ups, not the kids?
2. Did Ms. Huckabee serve fat for breakfast to her family each morning?
3. Was Whoopi right? Is torturing dogs apart of southern culture?
4. Could this photo be any creepier?
5. When did the boy scouts start giving out Future Serial Killer badges?
Tired of Reruns?
I am sick of reruns, although Intervention and Nip/Tuck are going strong, but that only helps on Monday and Tuesday.
Well, I have found a solution. AOL Video.
I just got done watching all great episodes of the 1999 TV show Action. Remember it? Well, it starred Jay Mohr and Illeana Douglas. The show was way ahead of its time.
As was Maude, which I am watching now. Yes, I did say Maude.
Right now Maude's daughter and Florida are making jokes about women who put Ms. on the front of their names. Hil-ar-ious.
I can't wait for Maude to have her abortion.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Crazy Cab Ride
As I rode along, I noticed that the cab driver had two books on his dashboard: "Idiots Guide to the Internet" and "The Truth of Roswell". Noticing the book on Roswell, I decided I could use it to strike up a conversation.
We talked a lot about the cover-up, if aliens are here now watching over us, what the government knows, and all that other alien conspiracy-type talk. As the ride entered its last leg, we noticed a guy on the road waiting for a cab. Since we were close to my house, I said it would be fine for us to pick him up.
The conversation continued and our new passenger, who was also a black American, joined in. As the cab pulled up to my house, the driver made one final point claiming the validity of the Roswell book. The forward was written by Senator Strom Thurmond.
This is where everything started to turn wacky, and so for it, I am going to write as if it is a script.
Me: So why does having a forward written by Strom Thurmond make it good?
Cab Driver: Because Strom Thurmond was a great man.
Me: Umm, didn't he run for President in the 1950's in order to keep segregation alive in the south?
Cab Driver: Well, what does that have to do with anything?
Me: Well, he kind of did that because he was racist against black people.
Passenger: Yeah, but didn't he have a black daughter?
Me: Yes, an illegitimate daughter he kept in hiding.
Passenger: Thomas Jefferson had black children too. He was a good man.
Me: He may have had black children, but he still kept them as slaves.
Cab driver: Well, Strom Thurmond still was a good man because of his efforts against aliens.
And scene.
Different, huh? How did this happen? How did I get into a conversation with two black men who were defending Strom Thurmond?
Oh well, whatever.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Reevaluating Time's "Reevaluating the Rape of Nanjing"
But the one thing that really bothers me about the piece is the how he includes information from two professors on the fault of the United States in supposedly covering up the atrocities. He writes that
Serious historians do not doubt that the massacre took place. But there is much disagreement over the details. Were 200,000 people killed or 300,000? Were 20,000 raped or 80,000? The whole truth may never be known. According to Samuel Yamashita, a professor at Pomona College in the U.S., details of the massacre and other atrocities were swept under the rug in postwar Japan, because the U.S. needed a strong Japanese nation on their side to counterbalance the growing threat of Communist China. "Execute a few heinous individuals and forget about everything else." That's how Joshua Fogel, a modern Asian studies historian at York University in the U.S., describes the American response to the massacre. "Just imagine if that had been the solution for postwar Germany rather than the Nuremberg Trials," Fogel says.
I found some serious errors in these conclusions:
- Why would during the post-WWII years the United States have "swept under the rug" these atrocities to counterbalance Communist China. China was a republic until 1949, four years after WWII had ended. Though the Chinese Civil War did begin again in 1947, the United States did not actively need a strong Japan to support Chiang Kai-shek's vicious regime. It didn't even know if it should support the nationalists.
- And why would the US want a strong Japan? The US just fought a massive war against it. At that time, a militaristic Japan was more cause for concern than a communist China.
- Onto what Joshua Fogel says about "executing a few heinious individuals and forget about everything else". That's not true either. 25 major Japanese political figures and over 5,700 Japanese nationals were charged for war crimes under the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. That doesn't sound like "just a few" individuals to me. Oh, and these tribunals began in 1946 and ended in 1948, before the rise of Communist China.
I think the paragraph was included to get the attention of the American readers of the article. As with most things American, if we aren't in it, we aren't interested.
But that doesn't mean you have to place blame on the US for the coverup of the rape of Nanjing. That won't alleviate your shame anytime soon.
**I know my sources are wikipedia, which isn't the most reliabled, but I wanted to type this up in a hurry. I had nothing else. **
Update: Pope Coming to DC
The organization is called Stay Young - Adults and is sponsored by the St. Thomas Apostles Church.
I have to tell you, I am wowed by the information they have on their websites. Both seem to be very friendly and inviting and I suggest you sign up if interested.
Now you are probably wondering what this means for me as a recent Quaker convert. Well, I don't know, but I think I am going to put off Quakerism for a bit and go back to my Catholic heritage.
Will I be attending mass? Let's not push it.
I will see about attending one of the Stay Young events though, especially if Pope tickets are involved.
Am I a walking hypocrisy or what?!?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Baseball's Steroid Report
Question: What is more anticlimactic than finding out most All-Star Baseball Players took steroids?
Answer: A baseball game.
Ok, wait I have a better one.
Question: What is more boring than today's Baseball Steroid Press Conference?
Answer: A baseball game.
Oh I'm hilarious. I can't stop. Wait, I can and I am.
What Ever Happened to Lisa "Left Eye" Lopez?
I'm a Quaker!
Well, I haven't actually attended any of the masses or "friend sessions" or whatever they call them, or been through any actual initiation procedure, if that even exists, but I've made the conscious decision that I am a Quaker, which I think is the first step toward being a Quaker.
This all came about a few nights ago when I was watching the last season of Six Feet Under. Nate and Brenda attend a Quaker mass or whatever it's called under the influence from Maggie (George's daughter).
The whole ceremony seemed so spiritual to me. I need to be closer to God and have time to reflect. What better way to do it than at a Quaker mass or whatever it's called.
I also want to be a Quaker because of Maggie from Six Feet Under. She was so pious. Even though she had experienced so much loss in her life, she still seemed to be a forgiving, caring, and sympathetic soul.
Ok, so, Maggie had some flaws. She slept with Nate who was married and expecting another child, and, yes, the love making did end up killing him, but she felt really, really bad about it. She brought Brenda a quiche after the funeral. That's atonement if I've ever heard of it.
I'm getting off track. Anyway, I am going to become a Quaker or actually I am already. I know, I haven't figured that out yet, but basically I am one.
Does this make me a minority? Cause if so, I want the tax exemption status.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I Met My First Star Trek Geek

Start Trek Geeks - I personally never thought they existed, and if they did they only ventured out of their dank basements on rare occasions, like for a convention or Flag Day.
But they do and are around us at all times, disguised as normal humans. Until one day they slip up and reveal their true geek form by using some metaphor related to the show that seems to go on for hours and sedates most normal people.
That very thing happened to me today.
So who was this creature, you wonder. The cleaning lady? The security guard? The shy attorney no one likes? No, It was my BOSS!
And now my life is forever scarred. For over a year I've been working side by side with this person and it isn't until now I see the real him. It's like I don't even know him.
Just sad, plain sad.
It's our society that is at fault. We've become too accepting. We are allowing these people to come out of the closet. It just isn't right.
And now they are making another movie about the show! Have we learned nothing from 9/11?
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
I have no idea. I don't know if this will do anything for my site or not, but that's what it says to do, so I am doing it.
Here's the link: Technorati Profile
Now its spiders are suppose to pick up my site and do whatever it does. Whatever to the entire thing. Just ignore this post; I'm annoyed with it.
I'm still playing around with this Technorati stuff and now something called Feedburner. I don't know exactly what I am doing, but I am signing up for a lot of stuff. Let's hope it works.
I'm also hacking the date on this post. I don't want it on top.
A Jolt of Energy
Yes, you heard me. Uncle Ben's Rice. But this isn't just any ordinary Uncle Ben's. This is the rice that comes in the personal serving sizes you microwave for 90 seconds. Usually they are $2.29 each, but today they were 4 for $5.
That's right, 4 for $5.
I was going to take all they had, but my neighborhood is kind of poor so I just didn't feel right about hording them away from the community's impoverished children. They deserve to benefit from this deal too.
Then I realized that the poor probably don't even own microwaves to make the packages in, so I took half.
What a great day!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Lessons from Celebrities
Slow December
I will "rant" about one thing though. Proper e-mail etiquette concerning Ccing and Toing people.
In my office, I notice quite a bit that people like to Cc me but then place some of the higher ups in the To. Why are they Toed and I am Cced? The letter addresses all of us. Because they make more they get ranked higher in the email pecking order?
I don't think so. I am just as important as the bigwigs. To me, don't Cc me. I think the bosses will appreciate you Toing everyone too. It shows you are an egalitarian.
Now, if the letter doesn't address me and it is being sent to me more for an "FYI", then that's fine. Cc me all you want. But if you are addressing the letter to me and other people, have the common decency to To everyone equally!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Bleeding Gingiva
I bought a new toothbrush last week and now every time I brush, my gums bleed.
I don't know if this is caused by the new toothbrush being too rough or because my last toothbrush was so old that it wasn't properly brushing my teeth.
It is kind of freaking me out, which is causing me to overbrush, which is causing more gum irritation. I did some research on the internet and all of these could be the cause. What am to do?
Funny thing: During my research, I noticed that now the ADA recommends brushing only twice a day, not thrice? When did this change? Did they just give up trying to get people to brush three times a day?
As a blogger, did I just cross the line of giving too much information on one's life?
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Who's Hot? Tila Tequila, That's Who!
You're so trashy, you make New York seem sanitary. Your fame is ticking at 14 minutes and 35 seconds and you've used it well. I give you props for that.
Now go away.
Good Things About Winter
Friday, November 30, 2007
Hostage Crisis at Hilary's Campaign Office & Evel Knievel Dies
What are the chances of these two things happening all on the same day? I'm feeling a conspiracy here.
From CNN: Great-Great Grandma at 67!
It's a sad story; this housing crisis is a big problem for a lot of people. But what struck me about this story is that Alice Mills at the age of 67 is a great-great grandma.
How does one become a great-great grandma at 67? This means that everyone of her offsprings' offsprings had to have had children at 16 or 17.
Let's do the math. Alice Mills has four generations below her:
-So if she had a child at 17 she would be a mom.
-If her child had a baby at 17, she would be 34, making her a grandmother.
-If that baby had a mistake at 17, then she would be 51 and a great-grandmother.
-And if that mistake had a bastard at 16, Alice would be 67 and now a great-great grandmother.
I don't know, Alice, but I think you getting booted is just one of many screw-ups in your family.
I found this tidbit in the article under a picture of Alice:
"Mills says she's packed up and ready to move, but for now she says she has no place to go."I thought being a great-great grandmother at 67 was incredible, but having four generations turn you away tops that.
No More Black Socks
Oh, but you are saying that I am probably just buying the wrong kind. No, I am not. I've bought the cotton ones, cheap ones, moderately expensive ones, and they all produce the same result: a rank smell and black lint.
Oh, but you are saying that it is my feet that smell not the socks. No, it's the socks. I naturally have good smelling feet because of my genes. No question about it, it is the socks.
The solution to all this is to bring back the white tube sock style. Not the real long ones with the red stripes or whatever from the 80's, just the plain white sock.
Oh, but you are saying that white socks create lint just like black socks. Yes, but it's white lint, not black lint, so I am okay with that. Call me racist if you want, but this is just how I feel.
How did white socks fall out of style anyway? They look great with any shoe, sometimes even with sandals. I'm serious. The only reason they look odd is because nobody wears them anymore. If everyone started to wear white socks with black shoes it wouldn't be such an eye soar.
Anyway, if I want the white sock back this means I am going to have to start the trend off. God has given me the gift of trend setting and I must use it. "With great power comes great responsibility". So, starting today no more black socks in my life. White socks only....and occasionally brown.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Amy Sedaris, like poor southerners, Hi-lar-ious
At the end Amy signed books, but since I already own the book and the line was quite long I did not get to meet her. So my sister and I did what was second best. Squatted down, posed, and took a picture with Amy Sedaris in the background. Can you say classy? Here's the photo:
"But, Vlad, nobody comes on this site except your mother and a few friends, what's the big deal?"
The big deal is that someday I will be a big time blogger and am just not ready for people to stop me on the street wanting my autograph or telling me how hot I am. This kind of stuff happens everyday to famous bloggers.
"But, Vlad, you put up other celebrity photos and rip on people's tragic deaths spewed across the news, aren't you being a bit hypocritical?"
Yes, yes I am.
Oh, and I said I was going to try to limit my complaining, but I have to say something about the 6th and I synagogue where the event was held. C'est horrible.
The sound system was on the fritz and the view for many of the people in the balcony was impossible. People actually had to stand because you could not see the performance. I was very disappointed in the venue. Also the four squawking birds with bad perms sitting behind us did not help.
One more thing: Amy Cohen (tonight's moderator), after hearing your jokes, I now understand why Caroline In the City was such a rotten show and quickly canceled.
Busy, Busy, Busy
YouTube Republican Debate Rocked!
Also, the booing and clapping shows how divided the republican party is. Did I really just hear some in the audience boo Giuliani and McCain??
By the way, what's with Thompson's jowls?
Tancredo, did you really use your last name as an action verb? Nobody knows who you are; you can't do that.
Lady with question on toys from China, why are your kids still playing with the lead toys?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Blog Advice
So that is what I am going to do. Write, write, write. That is going to mean some posts are going to be dull or boring...wait dull and boring are the same thing. Anyway, I am just giving all my adoring fans of this blog a heads up that sometimes this blog may suck.
You may be saying, but Vlad, it sucks already. Well, tough, you are the stupid fool who keeps coming back.
Please keep coming back. My self worth is based on the number of people who visit my site daily. Right now I'm at a 13 (Pathetic, I know).
Oh, the site also said that if a blogger is complaining in more than 20% of the entries, then the blog is no good. I noticed that I complained twice today, so I will try to not be such a whiny bitch.
But I think I had good reason to whine about those things. Kal Penn really does suck in everything he does. The media coverage on Natalee Holloway is ludicrous. Who let's their high school daughter travel to Aruba alone anyway? Irresponsible parents, that's who. They are the ones who should be locked up.
See, look, now I'm talking about it again. It must stop. No more coverage, please!
I Hate You, Kal Penn

Things I Do Not Care About
2. Sean Taylor - He's dead, get over it. It's not like he was the quarterback. What does the safety even do really? Also, the Redskins were going to lose whether he was dead or alive. Why are you so sad about it?
3. My boss's kids - You're getting your kids a Wii for Christmas? Good for fucking you. They still won't love you. Babbette or whatever her name is in another play? Good for fucking her. She still won't ever amount to anything.
4. Natalee Holloway - If she was a fat redhead, would her death make so much news? Then again, if she was that, probably nobody would have wanted to rape and kill her. The price for beauty.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Pakistani President Musharraf Calls Opposition "Pussies"

Tip Benazir Bhutto: a great way to respond is by spreading two fingers across your mouth and sticking your tongue out in a repeated motion. Works everytime.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sex Education
And this is how: Horror stories.
Horror stories about pregnancy are the only way to stop kids from having sex. I'll share one that you may also use on your own kids to promote abstinence.
True story: I worked with a lady whose baby ripped her from hole to hole during labor.
Big Head, Small Frame. Never a happy ending.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Winter Fashion: In & Out
So here are my Fashion predictions for winter 2008.
IN: Sweaters.
Sweathers are back and I'm talking all kinds; white, black, yellow, even Indian is in. Though not the ones from the subcontinent. Only the savage Indian kind, you know, with the head dresses and the peace pipes.

And even though a person can never have enough sweaters, watch out how many you have with Mickey Mouse on the front. Change it up a bit; try Donald or Goofy. One with Mickey and Minnie together would be extra special. I compare the Disney look this winter to when people keep the ski-lift tickets on their coats although they haven't been to the slopes for over a month. You as a proud Disney tourist should do the same.
Out: Tie-Dye Shirts

Interesting side note: Marijuana out; orgies in. Who Knew?
I did, that's who. It's a gift.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Family Guy Not So Bad Tonight
D.C. Not in Top Ten "Most Dangerous Cities"
Now we have a list that proves that [CNN Article]. A list DC seemed to be a permanent fixture to is no longer.
This has much to do to the gentrification of many neighborhoods, including mine, but also more importantly to a more effective city government.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Comedy Central's Drawn Together Canceled?

The season finale of "Drawn Together" was on tonight and there were several comments at the end of the show that it had been canceled. Wikipedia has a mention of this also.
I am not surprised or upset about this news. Though I watch it when it is on late nights, the latest season's episodes have been lame. Most of the jokes are just profanity and sex. It is trying to be over the top for a quick laugh.
This is quite different than the show's first season. I found it to be quite humorous because of its off-the-wall and ironic dialogue and plots. It's satire of reality shows and cartoon characters made me laugh quite a bit.
Those days are gone and it seems so is Drawn Together. The producers really should have seen this coming. Adam Carolla was involved and everything he does ends up getting canned.
I hope Family Guy takes this as a warning. Stop doing stupid gags just to cross the line. The high school male demographic is not that profitable.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Reuters Writing For 12 Year Olds
On October 15, Bush, a Republican, said in a speech to business people in Arkansas, "You're fixing to see what they call a fiscal showdown in Washington."
Maybe he added that part for the international readers. Most of them think he is a fascist. :P *
I know this is small and insignificant, but it really bothers me it was put in. It makes me think less of Reuters.
*The use of smiley faces on this blog will be kept to a minimum. We apologize to all viewers who are annoyed by smiley faces as much as we are.
Who's Hot? Arianna Huffington, That's Who
My Kiva Loanee: Tamella Huseynova

Ms. Huseynova is from Azerbaijan and is using the money to enlarge her wedding supply shop. Today I was informed she made her first repayment of $92. That $92 is spread evenly among all her donors like me. Way to go, Tamella!
Here's the link to her profile:
And here's the link to the organization I donated to:
Thank You, Foreign Readers
So thank you, Dutch, Canadian, British, German, Brazilian, and Mexican readers. Actually screw all of them except the Mexican reader. Our friend from the south stayed on the site for over a minute and viewed three pages. The others didn't even stay over 2 seconds.
Siempre me ha gustado México.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Word of the Week: Patricide
1. the act of killing one's own father.
2. a person who commits such an act.
Pronunciation: pat·ri·cide - [pa-truh-sahyd]
Sentence: In hindsight, Marvin Gaye really should have committed patricide.
Deep Thoughts # 4
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Pope is coming to DC
Anyway, I received this email from the archdiocese about tickets to his mass at the National's stadium:
Thank you for your interest in obtaining tickets to attend the upcoming
Mass that our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, will celebrate in
Washington, DC during his Apostolic Journey to the United States. We
share in your joy of this special blessing.
The Archdiocese of Washington has not finalized plans for distribution
of tickets. In the past, our custom for major events has been to
distribute tickets primarily through our parishes and organizations with
whom we collaborate in the pastoral care of the local Church.
Once a decision on ticket distribution is made, it will be announced
publicly, including at the archdiocesan website,, and in the
Catholic Standard and El Pregonero newspapers.
Looks like I need to find a church to join and fast before all the other stragglers beat me to it!
Wowed by Feist
I was at the bar this weekend and this song was playing in the background. It sounded oddly familiar, mainly because it's on an Ipod commercial. And even though I don't like musicians who sell their songs to commercials or for theme songs (I'm glaring at you Natasha Beddingfield and your "Unwritten" crap song), Feist and this song are still Indie enough to be cool.
I'm in a Rut
Enough with that boondoogleness. I'm in a rut. Why?
Uh, I don't even want to talk about it. Just pity me, okay! That's all I really want. Or is it attention? What's the difference.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Intervention Tonight!
Second episode: It's Cristy the drunken/drugged up whore. Seen it.
Amy Sedaris Coming to DC

Friday, November 9, 2007
Being Positive!
1. Being sick usually means loss of appetite, a great, easy way to lose a couple pounds. I would never encourage forced vomiting, but if you are sick enough to vomit, go for! Your waistline will thank you once your healthy.
2. Excessive coughing can really give your abs a workout.
3. People will purposely avoid you.
4. Haven't been able to get back at the person you despise? Get'em sick! Touching their possessions is the easiest way. Or if you want to be stealthy, lick some of their drink ware.
Lies I've Told People
For example: I was at a pool party with a bunch of people I really didn't know. Unfortunately I had some acne on my chest I was too shy to show. So what did I do?
I kept my shirt on and told people I was self conscience because I was recovering from a recent gunshot wound.
Not only did this lie allow me to keep my shirt on, but it also gave me street cred.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Crazy Little Place Called Ohio
The girl won, but what is funny about this story is that it made news in DC. The last time a story about Northwest Ohio made news in DC papers was during the floods a few years back.
Here's the story from CBS News (yes, it even made national news)
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
GWU Gone Crazy
Charismatic Sarkozy
The clip is in French, but he speaks slow enough I could understand some. What really caught my ear was the part about equality. When was the last time you heard our president speak about equality?? It's almost like a bad word to some politicians.
Sarkozy heralds a new era in French-American relations. I am sure once Bush is out of office relations between France and America will only grow stronger.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I Have the Maturity Level of a 12 year old
Later this afternoon, the grandmother was tired and the two were discussing what to do with the baby. The lawyer then brought up how she would have to pump soon and so it might be easier to leave the baby in the office.
When she said pump, my eyes shot up and a goofy grin came across my face. Am I really this immature? Why does the act of breastfeeding make me do this?
Who's Hot? New Attorney General Mukasey, That's Who!

Retarded: Acceptable Language?
I don't think it is okay for her to use the word so freely. Retarded is a derogatory term for someone with a handicap. To use it crudely is worse than saying shit or fuck.
I honestly don't think her saying retarded would be a problem to me if she didn't act like such a prude with other curse words.
Monday, November 5, 2007
United States #1 in Competitiveness

Click here for the World Economic Forum's report on Global Economic Competitiveness.
What Ever Happened to...
U.S./ Pakistani Relations
Hold onto your hats, kids, we're about to find out.
Now I won't claim to be an expert on Pakistani politics, but Musharraf has never seemed to me as one who likes to give up any sort of power. If he is to resign as commander of the military, it will only be when his ascension as President is ensured; requiring a deal between him and Bhutto.
Intervention Tonight at 8 PM on A&E
If you've never heard of Intervention, here's the A&E website. *Note* I wanted to get a video clip of the show for the blog, BUT A&E has apparently banned clips of its shows on YouTube. Not smart, my blog gives free promotion! Ok, maybe to only 5 or 6 people (if lucky), but that's still something.
I hope tonight's episode is about an alcoholic, pill-popping housewife. It's always better when kids are involved.
Oh, and if you can't catch the episodes at 8 & 9 because you are watching something better (Samantha Who?), A&E, as with most cable networks, replays them starting at 11 PM.
Deep Thoughts #2
The fatter everyone else gets just means the better I look.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Deep Thoughts
F the World; I'm a Fool
Last night as I was exiting Farragut North Metro, an elderly, well-dressed, black women stops me. She seemed disheveled and was talking rather quickly. Apparently she had locked her keys in her car, a BMW, with her purse and cell phone inside. Joan (we exchanged names) couldn't have the police unlock it because it would require scratching up her beemer. What Joan wanted from me was some money so she could get a cab ride back to her house in Aspen Hills. Aspen Hills is quite a distance and she asked for 80 dollars.
Probably you can tell where this is going, but I will tell you that I was strong. I was very hesitant at first, but in the end I fell for her. Joan said she was a Christian, who wouldn't!
So I gave her the money and she promised to give me a call that night to repay me (I gave my number, but stupidly didn't get hers). As she hailed for a cab, again promised she would call me as a "Christian" and hugged me. Before she left she thanked me for returning her faith in humanity.
It is now 24 hours later and no call. Go fuck yourself, Joan. Because of you I lost my faith in humanity. Ok, maybe not, but it still really pisses me off. I'm living paycheck to paycheck here; I can't be giving money away!
Actually, I probably had it coming. I haven't donated any money recently, so I guess it is good I gave it to Joan. She was in need of the money for something, who knows for what. So yeah, I'll look at this in a positive light. Instead of being conned, I was giving a donation. I did something for someone else. I'll consider this my yearly donation. Sweet, elderly, Christian Joan needed that money and unfortunately could only get it by lying. You deserve that money, Joan. Spend it well... hopefully on drugs.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Word of the Week: Tabescent
Pronunciation: ta·bes·cent, /təˈbÉ›s
Sentence: Tonya is a shoo-in for prom queen now that she is tabescent.
Kim Kardashian's show
It's Saturday, what else am I suppose to do.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Thanks, Amanda from Ugly Betty
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Did you hear the one about...?
Answer: A Dead Aussie. Ha Ha Ha!
Those people down under sure are funny, with their dingos, emus, and whatnots. The topper though has to be this story about their crazy antics.
Keep um' coming, Australia. You have me in stiches.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I Need a Raise; Beer Prices to Rise
It seems that beer prices are victims of higher energy costs and changing attitudes of farmers toward growing subsidy-friendly crops like corn and soybean.
Although I think creating energy from crops into ethanol is a great idea, we need to realize that this will ultimately raise food prices all around. Ethanol is also not a cure-all for our thirsts of oil.
Friday, October 26, 2007
History Channel Still In 1399
Why does the History Channel continue to air specials on a guy who fooled French royalty 700 years ago. It's not their fault, they still thought the Earth was flat.
But we don't, so stop feeding us this crap!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Do You Remember Me?

Still don't care? Ah, me neither.
Foreign Affairs: Losing Russia Article
The first article I read was Dimitri K. Simes's article titled, "Losing Russia". Dimitri Simes is president of the Nixon Center, a think-tank I have in a way admired for its realist view towards international politics. I also consider myself a Russophile.
Well, I was a bit perplexed while reading Mr. Sime's article. I thought it was biased and blamed America a bit too harshly for its poor relations with Russia today. He also seems to consider the way America tried to spread its influence in the region of the former Soviet Republics as a bad thing. That didn't make much sense to me. In the 1990's, knowing that Russia was weak, wouldn't a realist policy be to take advantage and spread American influence as much as possible in the region, especially towards the new states??
Also, America's policy towards Russia wasn't a total failure during the 1990's. I noticed no mention in the article about letting Russia join G7 to make the G8.
Click here for the article. Sorry Foreign Affairs only gives the first page and so, you have to pay for the rest.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Word of the Week: Menostaxis
Pronunciation: men-o-stax-is [men-uh-stak-sis]
Sentence: Your mom is such a bitch because of her menostaxis.
Six Degree of Fire Damage
So that means it's time to Play Six Degree of Fire Damage. How will the two be connected?
-We'll start with David Justice to his ex-wife Halle Berry.
-From Ms. Berry we have her connected to Sharon Stone, co-star of the hilarious-because-it-sucks movie, "Catwoman"
-Before that movie, Sharon Stone made a forgettable movie (I know there are many) called "The Muse", directed by and starring Albert Brooks.
-He went on to co-star with Michael Douglas in the pathetic"The In-Laws" ($7.50 down the drain).
-And finally Mr. Zeta-Jones co-starred with the now trailer-less Sean Penn in "The Game".
Keep your chin up, California!
David Chase on Sopranos Finale, Part 2
I can't find that anywhere in the interview where he "strongly" suggests Tony didn't die. What I took from it was that he did die.
"There had been indications of what the end is like. Remember when Jerry Toricano was killed? Silvio was not aware that the gun had been fired until after Jerry was on his way down to the floor. That's the way things happen: It's already going on by the time you even notice it."
Bingo, right there you have it. Plus with Bobby's comment on death. Never see it until it happens! Tony died, David Chase is just being "coy" even though he says he is not. He just doesn't want to explain it to us.
I don't get how these two articles got it so wrong. They totally misconstrue the interview, like how they place his quotes to the wrong conclusions.
Please read the entire interview. I think you will see it my way.
Who's Hot?: CNN's Candy Crowley No More
According to The Guardian, the British man in charge of has been arrested. Not that I ever went there, of course.
On a totally unrelated matter, I'll never find out what happens to Nancy and friends on Weeds, unless I pay for Showtime.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Bush Sends FEMA Chief, So. Cal Screwed
These fires are getting serious, not only are Tom Cruise and John Travolta's houses in danger, so is Sting's!!!! Oh, and 72,000 normal people's too. Only Xenu can save us now.
CNN is keeping me updated:
Why the BBC Puts American Media to Shame
Yes, Yes, definitely Yes! And I'm just not in support for this as a man. I also think disabled females, should be allowed to see prostitutes to fulfill their natural desires too.
Unfortunately, this question can not be answered in America, except in certain counties in Nevada. Some states still ban women from living together in group housing because of the threat of "prostitution". It's pathetic if you ask me, and of course you are asking me because you're reading my blog :P.
Monday, October 22, 2007
History Channel, What Happened to You?
I do, and I miss it. I am so sick of their Armageddon/ Da Vinci Code junk. Tonight they had a special on the Antichrist. Ugh!
The worst show they ever had on was that 7 ways the world could end crap. And why are they showing movies, like Star Trek?!?
None of this is history! Educate the masses, don't fill them with prophesies and mythology.
Know Your D.C. Bum: Michael
Here's Michael. He currently asks for change outside the CVS on Connecticut Ave. & K Street, Northwest.
Me: Michael, where are you originally from?
Michael: D.C.
Me: How long have you lived on the streets..err been in this situation?
Michael: Few years.
Me: Like how many?
Michael: Ah like ten.
Me: Why do you pick this area to ask for change?
Michael: Anywhere else to go.
Me: Ok, so nothing particular?
Michael: Nah.
Me: Who are the biggest givers?
Michael: just people.
Me: Like white people, black people, women?
Michael: just people.
Me: How can more people in D.C. be more assistance to you?
Michael: Well,...try to find me a job. More shelters, a whole lot more. There ain't no shelters around here.
Me: If you could be anywhere in this world, where would you be?
Michael: Where I be at, haha, way far away from this joint..way far away.
I want to thank Michael for speaking to me. If you see him on the street, give him something. He's a real nice guy.
Beverly Hills, 90210 Already Did It

It's also the one where Kelly ends up freaking out because she was in a house fire just two seasons before. Brandon came to her rescue even though they had recently broke up, making Mark jealous. Oh and dumb Donna gets stuck out in the wild because she tries to save a deer, moron!
David Chase on Sopranos Finale
I found it on Entertainment Weekly's website and apparently is an excerpt from the upcoming Sopranos book. The really interesting part of the interview is this:
Have you heard the elaborate theories about what really happened? Like the one that says you were re-creating The Last Supper?
The interesting thing is that, if you're creative, there may be things at work that you're not even aware of: things you learned in school, patterns you've internalized. I had no intention of using The Last Supper, but who knows if, subconsciously, it just came out. If people want to sit there figuring this stuff out, I think that's just great. Most of them, most of us, should have done this kind of thing in high school English class and didn't.
Are they wasting their time? Is there a puzzle to be solved?
There are no esoteric clues in there. No Da Vinci Code. Everything that pertains to that episode was in that episode. And it was in the episode before that and the one before that and seasons before this one and so on. There had been indications of what the end is like. Remember when Jerry Toricano was killed? Silvio was not aware that the gun had been fired until after Jerry was on his way down to the floor. That's the way things happen: It's already going on by the time you even notice it.
Are you saying...?
I'm not saying anything. And I'm not trying to be coy. It's just that I think that to explain it would diminish it.
Quick criticism of the interview:

2. David Chase kind of comes off like an ass in the interview. Also the picture they use of him makes him look like the Emperor from Star Wars.
Here's the entire article: "'Sopranos' Creator Takes on Angry Fans"
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Increase In Military Spending
He used the Soviet Union break-up as an example and quoted Gorbachev's book that stated Reagan's huge increase in military spending bankrupted the Soviet Union (I'm paraphrasing).
So doesn't that show, Mr. Giuliani, that increasing military spending only incites other countries to support larger armies? That's basic great-power competition (freshman level international politics)
I don't think with China growing economically stronger and with over a billion people that the United States should try to start a competition it surely can not win without heavy losses. China is the future, don't wake the sleeping giant.
(Oh, and Fred Thompson, call it quits)
Eastern Motors... Your Job's, Your Credit
I may never buy a car off you, but I love your jingle. I don't quite get the "Your Job's, Your credit" part. Whatever.
Why Do I Even Try Watching Fox News?
But I did turn on Fox News after the debate to catch the saviors of American media, Hannity and Colmes, to question the candidates. The only one I did catch was Ron Paul, who Sean Hannity has obvious problems with because Paul isn't a militant jingoist. While questioning Ron Paul, Hannity commented on the Fox News poll that said 1 in 5 Democrats thought the world would be better if the US lost in Iraq.
Ok, first off what a stupid question to ask. The poll is an obvious way for Fox News to inflame Republicans into thinking Democrats are "defeatists" and unpatriotic. They don't mention that 1 in 20 Republicans and 1 in 14 Independents thought the world would be better if the US lost. Looks like the "defeatist" viewpoint is even soaking into the Republican party.
The rest of the poll asks stupid questions like have you ever prayed for the president, etc. Who cares, Fox really can't come up with better, more insightful questions. All these polls do is divide people. Using average Americans' opinions to create controversy and further divide the country is just plain wrong. Obviously Fox News forgot the importance of "United we stand, divided we fall".
Here's the entire poll if you want to come up with your own analysis. Fox Poll