The season finale of "Drawn Together" was on tonight and there were several comments at the end of the show that it had been canceled. Wikipedia has a mention of this also.
I am not surprised or upset about this news. Though I watch it when it is on late nights, the latest season's episodes have been lame. Most of the jokes are just profanity and sex. It is trying to be over the top for a quick laugh.
This is quite different than the show's first season. I found it to be quite humorous because of its off-the-wall and ironic dialogue and plots. It's satire of reality shows and cartoon characters made me laugh quite a bit.
Those days are gone and it seems so is Drawn Together. The producers really should have seen this coming. Adam Carolla was involved and everything he does ends up getting canned.
I hope Family Guy takes this as a warning. Stop doing stupid gags just to cross the line. The high school male demographic is not that profitable.
"...high school male demographic"
Please come up with a new line - this one is so overused. If you think something is crass or stupid you call all the viewers childish, or question their mental capacity. I'm assuming that you are male (since you sign the post as Vlad) and if that's the case you are one of the rare males that doesn't like sex jokes, crass humor, and potty gags. Or maybe you're just a pussy?
Thank you for your comment, anonymous. You have nothing to fear here. All views are welcome.
Sex jokes, crass humor, and potty gags are too often used mindlessly and only to cross the line for a quick laugh. The first season used sex jokes, crass humor, and potty gags but did it in such a way that it was relevant to the plot and and characters, and so was quite funny. The writers got lazy, plain and simple.
"It is trying to be over the top for a quick laugh."
"The writers got lazy, plain and simple."
Are you certain it was the WRITERS that fell to laziness? Check Wikipedia again, Dr. Holmes, and I'm sure you'll fine equally many cultural references and satirical jibes in the third season as the first.
Drawn Together experimented with a deadly form of comedy: sick and offensive jokes, gags and running one-liners integrated into cleverly planned and well-played plotlines.
Did you see the one where Hero was duped into cleaning his nemesis' balls for at least a second time, which is only revealed at the end of the episode? How about the one after where the gang uncovers and foils a breakfast cereal killer's tyranny by finding UPC codes? The degrading "dirty" humor and random death, while not the center of the show, gave plenty of young adult males (like myself) a wonderful laugh. If you don't get it, then don't watch it. It would still be popular.
Contrary to your personal opinion, the show actually had MORE humor and MORE depth than virtually most others on TV. Deepest of all, they were satirizing reality shows until the very end, which are all fake and retarded (except COPS). They still made their political statements, despite the facts that the tools that they made fun of (including you) had no idea what they were conveying.
Family Guy kicks your ass just as much (if not moreso, to many people) as Drawn Together. You say these shows go over the line, I say you're blind to not see where they're going.
I totally agree. I love Drawn Together and am very sad to see it go. I was constantly offended while watching it and to me, that was refreshing. I am just hoping some other network might pick it up. (sigh) Goodbye Drawn Together.
thanks Guys for your Comments I totally agree. I love Drawn Together Tv Show and am very sad to see it go.The first season used sex jokes, crass humor, and potty gags but did it in such a way that it was relevant to the plot and and characters, and so was quite funny.It's soo cool Tv Show...muhahhaha.....
Great Comedy show.The animation of the show is very good.I am watching King of the Hill tv show as i downloaded the show last night.
Drawn Together is a Good show.The comedy of the show is very good.I think is the Best animated show.I am watching the show as i have the source to watch Drawn Together Online.
Dirty perverted humor has nothing to do with being guy in highschool. I wish they had stuff like Drawn Together when I was a teenager. I didn't even come across this show until after it was cancelled, and immediately bought all 3 seasons after only watching one episode, and they all kick ass. I could be 80 years old and i'd still be the same person and i'd still laugh my ass off watching Captain Hero get fucked in the ass by Xandir. I'm actually goin to buy the movie today. Just found out its on DVD as of April this year.
I'm a 28 year old woman and I love this show! I don't care that it's disgusting for the sake of disgusting to me that's part of its charm. :) I really do hope they go the Futurama route and make a few more movies.
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