Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I Need a Raise; Beer Prices to Rise
It seems that beer prices are victims of higher energy costs and changing attitudes of farmers toward growing subsidy-friendly crops like corn and soybean.
Although I think creating energy from crops into ethanol is a great idea, we need to realize that this will ultimately raise food prices all around. Ethanol is also not a cure-all for our thirsts of oil.
Friday, October 26, 2007
History Channel Still In 1399
Why does the History Channel continue to air specials on a guy who fooled French royalty 700 years ago. It's not their fault, they still thought the Earth was flat.
But we don't, so stop feeding us this crap!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Do You Remember Me?

Still don't care? Ah, me neither.
Foreign Affairs: Losing Russia Article
The first article I read was Dimitri K. Simes's article titled, "Losing Russia". Dimitri Simes is president of the Nixon Center, a think-tank I have in a way admired for its realist view towards international politics. I also consider myself a Russophile.
Well, I was a bit perplexed while reading Mr. Sime's article. I thought it was biased and blamed America a bit too harshly for its poor relations with Russia today. He also seems to consider the way America tried to spread its influence in the region of the former Soviet Republics as a bad thing. That didn't make much sense to me. In the 1990's, knowing that Russia was weak, wouldn't a realist policy be to take advantage and spread American influence as much as possible in the region, especially towards the new states??
Also, America's policy towards Russia wasn't a total failure during the 1990's. I noticed no mention in the article about letting Russia join G7 to make the G8.
Click here for the article. Sorry Foreign Affairs only gives the first page and so, you have to pay for the rest.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Word of the Week: Menostaxis
Pronunciation: men-o-stax-is [men-uh-stak-sis]
Sentence: Your mom is such a bitch because of her menostaxis.
Six Degree of Fire Damage
So that means it's time to Play Six Degree of Fire Damage. How will the two be connected?
-We'll start with David Justice to his ex-wife Halle Berry.
-From Ms. Berry we have her connected to Sharon Stone, co-star of the hilarious-because-it-sucks movie, "Catwoman"
-Before that movie, Sharon Stone made a forgettable movie (I know there are many) called "The Muse", directed by and starring Albert Brooks.
-He went on to co-star with Michael Douglas in the pathetic"The In-Laws" ($7.50 down the drain).
-And finally Mr. Zeta-Jones co-starred with the now trailer-less Sean Penn in "The Game".
Keep your chin up, California!
David Chase on Sopranos Finale, Part 2
I can't find that anywhere in the interview where he "strongly" suggests Tony didn't die. What I took from it was that he did die.
"There had been indications of what the end is like. Remember when Jerry Toricano was killed? Silvio was not aware that the gun had been fired until after Jerry was on his way down to the floor. That's the way things happen: It's already going on by the time you even notice it."
Bingo, right there you have it. Plus with Bobby's comment on death. Never see it until it happens! Tony died, David Chase is just being "coy" even though he says he is not. He just doesn't want to explain it to us.
I don't get how these two articles got it so wrong. They totally misconstrue the interview, like how they place his quotes to the wrong conclusions.
Please read the entire interview. I think you will see it my way.
Who's Hot?: CNN's Candy Crowley
tv.links.co.uk No More
According to The Guardian, the British man in charge of tv.links.co.uk has been arrested. Not that I ever went there, of course.
On a totally unrelated matter, I'll never find out what happens to Nancy and friends on Weeds, unless I pay for Showtime.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Bush Sends FEMA Chief, So. Cal Screwed
These fires are getting serious, not only are Tom Cruise and John Travolta's houses in danger, so is Sting's!!!! Oh, and 72,000 normal people's too. Only Xenu can save us now.
CNN is keeping me updated: http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/10/23/wildfire.ca/index.html
Why the BBC Puts American Media to Shame
Yes, Yes, definitely Yes! And I'm just not in support for this as a man. I also think disabled females, should be allowed to see prostitutes to fulfill their natural desires too.
Unfortunately, this question can not be answered in America, except in certain counties in Nevada. Some states still ban women from living together in group housing because of the threat of "prostitution". It's pathetic if you ask me, and of course you are asking me because you're reading my blog :P.
Monday, October 22, 2007
History Channel, What Happened to You?
I do, and I miss it. I am so sick of their Armageddon/ Da Vinci Code junk. Tonight they had a special on the Antichrist. Ugh!
The worst show they ever had on was that 7 ways the world could end crap. And why are they showing movies, like Star Trek?!?
None of this is history! Educate the masses, don't fill them with prophesies and mythology.
Know Your D.C. Bum: Michael
Here's Michael. He currently asks for change outside the CVS on Connecticut Ave. & K Street, Northwest.
Me: Michael, where are you originally from?
Michael: D.C.
Me: How long have you lived on the streets..err been in this situation?
Michael: Few years.
Me: Like how many?
Michael: Ah like ten.
Me: Why do you pick this area to ask for change?
Michael: Anywhere else to go.
Me: Ok, so nothing particular?
Michael: Nah.
Me: Who are the biggest givers?
Michael: just people.
Me: Like white people, black people, women?
Michael: just people.
Me: How can more people in D.C. be more assistance to you?
Michael: Well,...try to find me a job. More shelters, a whole lot more. There ain't no shelters around here.
Me: If you could be anywhere in this world, where would you be?
Michael: Where I be at, haha, way far away from this joint..way far away.
I want to thank Michael for speaking to me. If you see him on the street, give him something. He's a real nice guy.
Beverly Hills, 90210 Already Did It

It's also the one where Kelly ends up freaking out because she was in a house fire just two seasons before. Brandon came to her rescue even though they had recently broke up, making Mark jealous. Oh and dumb Donna gets stuck out in the wild because she tries to save a deer, moron!
David Chase on Sopranos Finale
I found it on Entertainment Weekly's website and apparently is an excerpt from the upcoming Sopranos book. The really interesting part of the interview is this:
Have you heard the elaborate theories about what really happened? Like the one that says you were re-creating The Last Supper?
The interesting thing is that, if you're creative, there may be things at work that you're not even aware of: things you learned in school, patterns you've internalized. I had no intention of using The Last Supper, but who knows if, subconsciously, it just came out. If people want to sit there figuring this stuff out, I think that's just great. Most of them, most of us, should have done this kind of thing in high school English class and didn't.
Are they wasting their time? Is there a puzzle to be solved?
There are no esoteric clues in there. No Da Vinci Code. Everything that pertains to that episode was in that episode. And it was in the episode before that and the one before that and seasons before this one and so on. There had been indications of what the end is like. Remember when Jerry Toricano was killed? Silvio was not aware that the gun had been fired until after Jerry was on his way down to the floor. That's the way things happen: It's already going on by the time you even notice it.
Are you saying...?
I'm not saying anything. And I'm not trying to be coy. It's just that I think that to explain it would diminish it.
Quick criticism of the interview:

2. David Chase kind of comes off like an ass in the interview. Also the picture they use of him makes him look like the Emperor from Star Wars.
Here's the entire article: "'Sopranos' Creator Takes on Angry Fans"
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Increase In Military Spending
He used the Soviet Union break-up as an example and quoted Gorbachev's book that stated Reagan's huge increase in military spending bankrupted the Soviet Union (I'm paraphrasing).
So doesn't that show, Mr. Giuliani, that increasing military spending only incites other countries to support larger armies? That's basic great-power competition (freshman level international politics)
I don't think with China growing economically stronger and with over a billion people that the United States should try to start a competition it surely can not win without heavy losses. China is the future, don't wake the sleeping giant.
(Oh, and Fred Thompson, call it quits)
Eastern Motors... Your Job's, Your Credit
I may never buy a car off you, but I love your jingle. I don't quite get the "Your Job's, Your credit" part. Whatever.
Why Do I Even Try Watching Fox News?
But I did turn on Fox News after the debate to catch the saviors of American media, Hannity and Colmes, to question the candidates. The only one I did catch was Ron Paul, who Sean Hannity has obvious problems with because Paul isn't a militant jingoist. While questioning Ron Paul, Hannity commented on the Fox News poll that said 1 in 5 Democrats thought the world would be better if the US lost in Iraq.
Ok, first off what a stupid question to ask. The poll is an obvious way for Fox News to inflame Republicans into thinking Democrats are "defeatists" and unpatriotic. They don't mention that 1 in 20 Republicans and 1 in 14 Independents thought the world would be better if the US lost. Looks like the "defeatist" viewpoint is even soaking into the Republican party.
The rest of the poll asks stupid questions like have you ever prayed for the president, etc. Who cares, Fox really can't come up with better, more insightful questions. All these polls do is divide people. Using average Americans' opinions to create controversy and further divide the country is just plain wrong. Obviously Fox News forgot the importance of "United we stand, divided we fall".
Here's the entire poll if you want to come up with your own analysis. Fox Poll
Best Halloween Costume....So Far
I wish I would have taken a picture of her, it would have made this a lot better. I think I am going to start taking out my camera for this blog. Something to think about.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Smart Advertising, FX
Instead of going out on Saturdays, I am obsessed with watching Nip/Tuck on FX. You just don't get one episodes, you get three great episodes. Ok, maybe not GREAT, but you will always be entertained with Nip/Tuck.
But props to FX. If it wasn't for these replays, I probably would have forgotten all about the show.
Now I can't wait until the beginning of the Fifth Season starting October 30th. 22 episodes this year!
Sanjay Gupta, MD
They did this when Anna Nicole Smith died too. So they called him up and he was making diagnoses on how she died. I ended up screaming at the television, "You were not present for her death, you are not performing the autopsy, you don't know shit about what happened, stop trying to act like you do!!" At least that time it was on a medical topic, not the environment.
Perez Hilton Halloween Costume
If I see anyone dressed like that I will tell them they are the biggest douche alive.
I was going to post an image but I thought that would be too much promotion for the monstrosity.
I hope Perez Hilton's downfall is soon, I'm so sick of this guy (why do I keep going to his website?).
Friday, October 19, 2007
Biden 2008??
Although I thought this program was fun, the options were limited so I don't take it too seriously. Maybe I should think about joining Biden's camp, hmmm.
Try it out, it's a good time.
Are they serious?
How can I best articulate doing crossword puzzles and reading gossip blogs in this?
**Update** (11 AM)
I realized that I shouldn't give the impression that I don't do anything at my job. I do and my bosses do appreciate it. It's just I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go to the other job I was hired a year ago to do but have to wait longer for because of budget cuts.
All in due time; it will come. I just have to keep saying that to myself. Patience is a virtue.
**Update pt. 2** (2:45 PM)
My boss, a co-worker, and I were talking about this whole updating job description thing, and my boss said that out of all the receptionists the office has had, I am the one who had taken on the most. That puts my mind at ease.
It also helps my self-confidence and will use this as an example as where reality was different than what my mind was telling me. I do DO a good job.
My First Visitor
Oh well, thank you again, I hope you come back. I also hope it wasn't me that it counted. hmmmm.
Metro and the World
I don't really have a complaint though, more a plea. Please, WMATA, just provide high-quality service no matter what. Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States; thousands of international visitors are here. When they see delay after delay, broken down escalators, and train cars, their opinion of our social system is negatively affected.
My former Russian teacher told me once how in the Soviet Union, there were always two airports. One for international and one for domestic. The international airport ran beautifully, so all international travellers viewed the Soviet system favorably. And even though the domestic airport was a death trap, the Soviet Union knew the power of perceptions.
Now, I'm not advocating a faux-Metro system like the Soviets tried to pull off with their airports, but just that WMATA, DC Government, and Congress (since "constitutionally" they should be running things) to improve the Metro system to a point where all Americans can be proud of it and foreigners envious.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
My job
Because I left early today and was caught in the back talking to one of the assistants, not in front of the desk where I should have been.
I feel like they might fire me. I think I am just being crazy though, but what if I am not.
Please don't fire me, boss. I may not do much, but I really need the paycheck until I find other work. Gee, if that isn't the best reason to keep me on, I don't know what is.