Friday, October 19, 2007

Are they serious?

November reviews are coming up and headquarters wants all non-attorney employees to re-write their job descriptions.

How can I best articulate doing crossword puzzles and reading gossip blogs in this?

**Update** (11 AM)

I realized that I shouldn't give the impression that I don't do anything at my job. I do and my bosses do appreciate it. It's just I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go to the other job I was hired a year ago to do but have to wait longer for because of budget cuts.

All in due time; it will come. I just have to keep saying that to myself. Patience is a virtue.

**Update pt. 2** (2:45 PM)

My boss, a co-worker, and I were talking about this whole updating job description thing, and my boss said that out of all the receptionists the office has had, I am the one who had taken on the most. That puts my mind at ease.

It also helps my self-confidence and will use this as an example as where reality was different than what my mind was telling me. I do DO a good job.

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